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Life Made Easy

Veronica Correa

Three people are playing in the shallow water at a beach during sunset, creating splashes as they move.

Life is a mystery, and we often face many challenges.  Many years ago, I learned from A Course in Miracles that we humans live our lives from only two emotions, love or fear.  Understanding and embracing this concept simplified my life almost immediately.  Then I had to learn how to put myself in a place of love when I was experiencing fear and stay there.  Of course, I still face challenges, but my perspective is different, now I know how to shift my perception of the reality I am facing.

When we are experiencing fear is very difficult to sustain peace, success, healthy relationships, or wellbeing. Fear is heavy and dense.  Our ego fills our mind with worries about the future and regrets from the past and we make ourselves prisoners, unable to enjoy the present moment. From that place our choices are poor and create more pain.

When we live our life from a place of love, our mind brings us solutions to our problems, we have clarity and can move beyond our struggles.  Experiencing love allows us to feel light and confident which brings better results.  

It’s a choice, it’s up to us to stay in fear or switch to love time and time again.  The more I practice it, the easier it becomes for me, and the same thing will happen to you.  

I would like to invite you to choose to love instead of fear moment by moment and with that you are welcoming into your life inner peace and joy.  You don’t have to know how at the beginning.  Say that you choose to love instead of fear and ask your higher power to provide guidance.  It will come to you as it comes to me.  You will have to practice quieting your mind to hear that guidance.  Make that choice today and every day, you deserve to experience an easy life filled with love, inner peace, and joy.  




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Mon -Thurs 8:00 am - 7:00 pm 

Fri 8:00 am - 2:30 pm

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