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Gratitude Awakens Your Creative Power

Veronica Correa

As Thanksgiving approaches, many of us take the opportunity to reflect on what we’re grateful for. When we start to notice the countless blessings in our lives, something within us shifts. As we focus on gratitude, even more things to be thankful for seem to emerge, and we begin to feel an abundance of blessings. After just a few moments of practicing gratitude, we often find ourselves feeling more relaxed and happier. This shift not only enhances our own well-being but also contributes to creating a better world for everyone. I invite you to make Thanksgiving a daily ritual, not just a once-a-year event.

Each of us is born with tremendous creative potential, and when we allow that creativity to express itself, we feel joyful and at peace. Our soul naturally seeks expansion through creative expression. However, when we spend too much time focusing on what we lack or what’s wrong in our lives, it creates stress and anxiety, which blocks our creativity. Our minds often keep this cycle going 24/7, leaving us drained. But the good news is that we can choose to shift our focus. By turning our attention to gratitude, we can unlock our creative power.

To access deeper levels of creativity, it’s important for both our body and mind to be relaxed, and our heart to be filled with gratitude. Here’s a simple practice to help you tap into  your creative potential:

1. Start by focusing on your breath. Allow each breath to flow deeply into your belly, finding a steady rhythm with your inhale and exhale. Notice the small pauses between each breath.

2. Next, shift your focus to what you would like to bring into your life. Create a vivid mental image of this as if it’s already yours. Hold this vision in your awareness.

3. Finally, notice the feelings of joy and gratitude that arise in your heart as you imagine that what you desire has already manifested.

Try doing this practice twice a day—once when you wake up and again before you go to bed.

Living a life filled with gratitude not only enhances our well-being but also attracts more of what we truly want. It’s a powerful way to awaken your creative potential, serve others, and bring joy into your heart.

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving filled with gratitude and creative expansion!

With deep gratitude,


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